PO Box 820, Vashon, WA 98070 (206) 463-0014 Email: info@heightswater.org
Office Location: 17232 Vashon Hwy SW
Garage & Tank Farm: 13205 Vashon Hwy SW
24-Hour Emergency Number: (206) 529-7864
Mission Statement
The mission of Heights Water is to assure the sound management of Heights Water resources; to assure a dependable supply of quality water for Heights Water‘s present and future needs; to build trust and credibility with the users/members of Heights Water; and to educate the public on water management issues.
Objectives of Heights Water:
1. To develop and implement policy goals and objectives that will support the mission statement.
2. To design and implement demand management programs.
3. To identify potential risks to water supply and develop mitigation strategies.
4. To promote and protect Heights Water interests and rights in interagency, State and Federal actions that affect Heights Water’s mission.
5. To provide the public, other water providers on Vashon, and State agencies with informative data, events, progress reports and action plans that will enhance relationships and communication.
Business Office and Hours
Our office is located in Parker Plaza:
17232 Vashon Highway SW, Vashon, WA
Our tank farm garage is located at
13205 Vashon Highway SW, Vashon WA
Office: 206-463-0014
Emergency: 206-529-7864
Office hours: M-F 10:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m
Our Staff
Derrick Reed, General Manager
Keith Kassik, Operations Supervisor
Kyle Corroon, Water System Operator Margaret Wessel, Administrative Assistant
Our Board of Trustees
Luke McQuillin
Andre Van der Most David Weiss
Jim Chun
Shawn Hoffman
Our History
Heights Water’s origins date back to the 1920’s and was first incorporated in 1931. The association is governed by a set of by-laws and its members are governed by rules and regulations. A five member volunteer Board of Trustees guides the association in financial and policy matters. Heights Water’s staff includes a General Manager, Operations Supervisor, Water System Operator, and Administrative Assistant.
Where We Serve
Heights Water provides drinking water to the north end of Vashon Island within the blue area on the map above. To see the areas served by other water systems on Vashon and Maury islands, check out this map.