News and information about the health of your water supply
Heights Water Board of Trustees Election
The 2023 Board of Trustees election takes place in September. Two positions will be on the ballot this year for full three-year terms. Any Heights Water member can run for election to the Board; contact the office for details if you are interested in serving. Be sure to watch for your ballot in August or September and return your choices before September 26.
2023-24 Rate Changes
New Heights Water rates for the 2023-24 fiscal year go into effect with August 2023 billing. The 2023-24 rates reflect an increase of about seven percent over 2022-23 rates, to account for increased costs for materials, services, and manpower. Most members will see an increase of $9 to $13 per bi-monthly bill as a result of the increase. Details about the new rate schedule can be found here.
2023 and Future Capital Projects
In 2023, Heights will upgrade the distribution system serving members in the area of 99th Ave SW and SW 117th Street in the Dolphin Pt. neighborhood. We will replace three old, 1.5- to 2-inch steel water mains with a system that uses a new 8-inch main with a centralized bank of meters, plus new service lines to individual member properties.
During the winter months of 2023-24, we will perform our delayed project to replace a 100,000-gallon steel water tank with a new concrete tank of the same size. The existing tank, which was erected in 1959, is in need of such extensive repairs that replacement was identified as the best option. The new tank will also be compliant with current seismic standards. BHC Consultants is serving as Project Manager on behalf of Heights Water.
Another large tank project on the horizon is re-coating the interior and exterior of our 608,000-gallon standpipe, the first major maintenance project for the standpipe since it was erected in 2000. The standpipe recoating project will likely occur during the 2024-25 fiscal year. The price tag for this necessary work is higher than you might imagine! Heights Water hopes to take advantage of Federal and State infrastructure funding projects to help ease the strain.
2023 Heights Water Member Meeting
The annual Heights Water Member Meeting is held on the last Tuesday in September. This year’s meeting is scheduled for September 26, 2023 at a location to be announced.
After Water Line Repairs
A common question we hear after a waterline repair is, “What can I do about the cloudy/noisy water from air in the line?” It’s a simple remedy: run water from an outside hose bib or an upstairs faucet for a few minutes until it runs clear. This will flush out your service line from the meter to your house, ensuring that bubble-free water flows into your home.
Trouble paying your bill?
As soon as you know you are unable to make full payment on your water bill before the due date, please call the business office to discuss a payment schedule. We want to work with you to avoid late penalties. Please don’t wait to call us on the day your water service is scheduled to be shutoff and the penalties have already piled up.